Questions and Answers

Regular Questions:-
I am not sure if I have a claim
Initially, many clients are nervous to call any lawyer for this reason and for fear that making that call will cost them thousands of pounds. You have nothing to lose! Just call or email and I will be happy to discuss the potential of your accident claim. If I believe there is a basis of an injury claim I offer a FREE no obligation consultation on the phone, here at the office or at your home. It is not in anyone’s interest to take on a case if there is no basis of a claim (despite the hysteria of the claims “compensation culture” peddled by the politicians and the press). If I do not believe your claim is likely to be successful I will not waste your time. It is not in my interest to take on accident claims which will not succeed as I will not get paid. Plain, polite, practical and honest advice about your claim– it’s what people want!!
How are the Costs Covered? Can you really have something for nothing?
YES! Your basic costs are covered by your claim and are paid for by the party who is to blame. You pay nothing if the claim fails. Our conditional fee agreement sets out full terms of any costs where the claim is successful and is in the format approved by the Law Society.
What about me losing my job if I claim for an accident at work?
In truth, in 30 years of experience of dealing with claims against employers and throughout this practice I have never found a client’s employment jeopardised by an accident claim.
We are unable to travel due to the accident?
I am dealing with accident claims for clients throughout the Yorkshire area as well as closer to home including; Bradford, Leeds, Halifax, Huddersfield, Wakefield, Batley and Dewsbury. However, I am happy to discuss your case by telephone or email and happy to help clients who are more distant if I believe I can help you effectively. As a firm we act for clients throughout England and Wales. We have also acted for clients based in Northern Ireland and Scotland where their accident occurred in England.
Why should I use Blakeley Solicitors?
Because we are “The Accident Claim Solicitor” and unlike other firms we provide a friendly and professional “one to one” service, so you deal with the same person throughout your case. As far as possible, I take away all the hard work associated with filling in complicated forms and deal with all aspects of your accident claim. You can get on with other things, such as recovering from your accident. I also find that the “one to one” service has a positive implication for your claim because by knowing you I often discover elements for your claim missed by other solicitors. I have taken claims from National firms of solicitors where this has happened. We have recently taken on two claims for clients who were told they had no claim by other firms; after we took them over we settled both for in excess of £10,000! You will be dealing directly with me, not a large call centre where you speak to a different person every time you call for a report on your injury claim.
We have tried unsuccessfully to claim compensation through our insurers or alternative personal injury solicitors – is it worth trying a second time?
Yes, 100%. I have cases where liability has been denied, we have taken on the case and gained fair compensation for clients. Let us deal with your claim. Use “The Accident Claim Solicitor” for your injury claim.
What type of Cases do you cover?
We deal with all types of claims, for example:
- Accidents at work
- Accidents as a pedestrian
- Accidents as a cyclist
- Accidents as a motorcyclist
- Road traffic accidents
- Slip, trip and falls
- Accidents in a public place
- Accident claims for children
I deal with cases no matter how large or small.
How long will it take before I receive my compensation?
It is impossible to give an exact period due to the individuality of every case. The sooner you contact me, the faster I can get the process started. In many cases I can secure advance interim payments as the claim progresses.
How much can I expect to get in compensation?
This can vary due to the individual case. I will inform you of an approximate sum when I discuss your case with you and particularly once we have a medical report.