How is the claim funded?

Clients are often intrigued as to how personal injury claims are paid for. There are horror stories from people being awarded thousands of pounds, only to find they are left with very little at the end of the claim.
At Blakeley Solicitors there are no initial costs to help you pursue your claim for compensation. You will be told about any charges and provided you have kept to the terms of your conditional fee agreement with us you will only pay us what we are entitled to under the terms of our agreement and we will cap any charges we make. We operate a true “No Win – No Fee” agreement under the terms of the Law Society approved Conditional Fee Agreement.
We are paid our basic charges by the insurance company of the person or body at fault. They pay your compensation and our basic costs for pursuing your claim. As long as we have your full co-operation and support throughout the claim we will never ever charge you for our basic costs. All you will pay is any success fee and the costs of any after the event insurance premium and those charges are subject to our agreed cap.
On taking out motor insurance, you may well have been offered legal expenses insurance which covers your legal expenses should you wish to pursue a claim arising from a motor accident. Your home insurance policy can also carry legal expenses insurance. Any claim for personal injury will not push up the premium on your main policy, legal expenses insurance is just an extra to that policy.
Many such policies limit your choice of solicitors, as most insurers have arrangements with solicitors for the provision of claims made under legal expenses insurance policies. The insurer will try to refer you to “their Solicitors”. Often this is because they have an arrangement with those Solicitors. Are you happy to have your injury claim pushed to solicitors instructed by the same insurance companies? You are free to choose any solicitor that you like. You should choose one with the relevant experience and success in their field. You can be confident that at Blakeley Solicitors we have that experience.
If you do not have legal expenses insurance, we will take out an after the event insurance policy, the cost of the policy will be deferred until the end of your claim. We incur out of pocket expenses by working for you (such as medical report fees and Court issue fees) and the Legal Expenses Insurance will pay for these should the claim fail, meaning you don’t have to pay out a penny if your claim is lost or worry about the claim.
We will often enter into a conditional fee agreement (“CFA”) with you. In very brief terms, a CFA is the formal term for a “no win-no fee” agreement which is simply an agreement between us that we will pursue your personal injury claim against the other party on the understanding that if the claim does not succeed we will not charge you for our costs but if the case is successful we can charge the other party and his insurers for our basic costs and all you will have to pay is a success fee which we have agreed at the start of your claim and the after the event insurance premium.
Don’t miss out! Call “The Accident Claim Solicitor”